30 years

Three members of the Lycoming County Paralegal Association attended the 2020 Annual Conference and Convention of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations.    This event, hosted by the Minnesota Paralegal Association and held virtually, was titled “Paralegals Plugin.” And plugin we did!

Shelby Weber, President, Rebecca Hovenstine, Vice-President and Pam Toseki, Treasurer attended the virtual conference of paralegal leaders from throughout the United States.

NFPA members discussed and voted on bylaw amendments for the organization and also elected incoming board members for 2021.  For a full report go to the NFPA website.

Lycoming County Paralegal Association thanks Marshall Parker & Weber, LLC for sponsoring Shelby Weber’s registration and E.J. Rymza, Esquire for sponsoring Pam Toseki’s registration.

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